a different language at times. Now if you're like me then you are making an effort to
trying to understand women to create a better more loving relationship. Or perhaps
you are learning on how to attract the woman you desire into your life. With that said
let's get started.
Women Will Test You
Women Are Emotional Thinkers Men are Logical
Women Want you to Take the Lead
Women Want to be in their Feminine Energy
Women Want to be Understood
Women Will Test You
Women love men who are centered and confident and women can determine ifyou are the guy they want by testing your inner strength as a man. Your womanwill try and see what you will do and how you will respond. If you fail these teststhen she will keep searching for a man that will eventually pass her tests and winher heart.Women Are Emotional Thinkers Men are Logical
If you have ever been in a fight with your girlfriend or wife and heard somethinglike "You never listen to me" or "You always make me sad." Now you have to firstbegin to realize not to take what she says too personal women are on this waveof emotions for one moment they could be saying i love you the next they mightbe saying they hate your guts, but don't let that get to you this is one of her teststo see how you will respond. Now when a woman says that you never dosomething men usually think of an occasion where they actually did do to provetheir woman wrong and try to calm them down. Women don't want to hear whatyou did in the past when she says that you never do something and you know
you have in the past what she's saying is that you hurt her now and you must
make it up to her or she's going to leave.Women Want you to Take the Lead
Women want a strong confident man that will take the reigns of the relationship
and create fun and loving memories. It is the man's job to keep the spark going
in the relationship when you are on a date it is your job to make plans on what
you and your date are going to do and where you will go. Your date just wants to
show up have a good time and connect with you.Women Want to be in their Feminine Energy
Women want to be in their feminine energy and they want a man who is in their
masculine energy. The masculine energy is all about drive and purpose, and the
feminine energy is all about reacting. If you want your date or your woman to be
in their feminine energy then make them feel absolutely comfortable with you and
the way you do that is by joking with them, listening to her, and just genuinely
caring about her. To stay in your masculine side find something that you love to
do and be proud to share it with everyone that you know and meet.Women Want to be Understood
Now as a man when my partner faces a problem i immediately feel like it is my
job to try and fix her problem. Now this may be the case for some circumstances
but for the most part women want you to just listen to what they are stressing
about. To make sure on whether or not to be looking for ways to solve her
problem or to just listen before she starts getting in depth of what she's dealing
with ask her politely "Babe would you like my input or do you just want me to
listen" and in most cases she will respond that she will just want you to listen.
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