Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Importance of Hand Gestures

Have you ever met somebody who can tell great stories?  Someone that can talk and 

describe something very vividly?  Chances are that people who can tell great stories 

and describe very well is because they are good with their words first of all but they are 

also using hand gestures.  Using hand gestures give people more of a sense of what 

you are telling.  People pay more attention to people who use hand gestures to grab 

 their attention.  Look up some famous people and watch them when they are talking 

and i can assure you that most of them or all of them are very good with using hand 

gestures.  Study the people you look up to and model how do they use hand gestures 

and if you can master that your speaking will greatly improve.  People will pay more 

attention to you and you will be able to grasp the attention of your audience.  Learn 

this skill and you will drastically become more descriptive and people will want to talk 

to you more as a result. 

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