Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Importance of Hand Gestures

Have you ever met somebody who can tell great stories?  Someone that can talk and 

describe something very vividly?  Chances are that people who can tell great stories 

and describe very well is because they are good with their words first of all but they are 

also using hand gestures.  Using hand gestures give people more of a sense of what 

you are telling.  People pay more attention to people who use hand gestures to grab 

 their attention.  Look up some famous people and watch them when they are talking 

and i can assure you that most of them or all of them are very good with using hand 

gestures.  Study the people you look up to and model how do they use hand gestures 

and if you can master that your speaking will greatly improve.  People will pay more 

attention to you and you will be able to grasp the attention of your audience.  Learn 

this skill and you will drastically become more descriptive and people will want to talk 

to you more as a result. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

How to Have Bullet Proof Confidence With 3 Easy Tips

Do you lack the confidence you wish you had?  Do you put yourself down after making 

a mistake?  Are you doing things that you know won't benefit you for the best?

  If so then this is the blog for you.  Confidence is something that people aren't born 

with it's something that you develop.  Confidence is a mindset and a valuable attribute 

for anyone.  A bullet proof confidence in yourself can make a difference from being an 

employer or an employee.  So with that said here are 3 tips to help you obtain bullet 

proof confidence that the most successful people in the world have.  
  •  Surround Yourself With Confident People

    When you surround yourself with confident people their mindset and way of 

    thinking will become your mindset and way of thinking over time.  The Law of 

    Association states that the things or the people that you hang around the most 

    you become that.  If you hang out with a negative group of people you will 

    eventually become a negative person.  Take consideration of your circle of 

    friends and if you don't want to think like them get away from them immediately. 

    • Improve Your Posture

      Your posture says more about you than you really think.  People can quickly 

      judge you an assume.  In a second we can guess if a person is confident or 

      not just by observing their posture and how they walk.  Improve your 

      posture i have already written a blog on improving posture click the link to 

      check it out: 

      • Do What Scares You

         When you do what scares you you take control of your life and you 

        start to believe in yourself that you can do anything.  You won't have 

        fun doing everything that scares you but you will at least get to say that 

        you have faced your fear.  

        So here are some tips to have bullet proof confidence.  Remember 

        confidence is developed you can become confidence no matter what 

        your situation is.  Become the employer not the employee.  Become 

        your greatest self

Monday, August 15, 2016

How to Live a Healthier Life with 5 Easy Steps

Have you ever tried eating healthier just to fall back to your old eating habits?  

Have you ever tried working out but never saw the results so you just quit?  

Well the good news is that you aren't alone.  Many people want to change their healthy but 

seem to always come up short.  The reason that many people fail and go back to their old 

eating habits is because most people don't really know how to live a healthier life.  Or many 

people just aren't patient enough to see the results.  So here are 5 easy steps to living a 

healthier life:

  • Educate Yourself on Health

Most people don't educate themselves on health.  Most people just try the latest fad diet later to 

realize it is nothing but a fad and it doesn't work.  You must educate yourself on your body what 

type of vitamins are you lacking from your body.  

  • Exercise

So obviously you have to exercise everyday.  Not only do you have to eat right but you must 

exercise and get your body moving everyday.  Even if you don't have a gym membership or any 

equipment that's no excuse to not workout you can still do bodyweight exercises or go outside 

and just walk around your block.

  • Positive Thinking

When you think positive it actually improves your mental and physical health because if you aren't 

putting yourself down and you're encouraging yourself you'll be able to keep going and reach 

your goal of having your ideal weight or your dream body.

  • Cut Out What is Holding You Back 

When you cut out what is holding you back to living a healthy life you can focus on what brings 

you forward something that will allow you to make progress in your life.  

  • Get Sleep

Getting sleep gives your body rest that it desperately needs all the wear and tear throughout the 
day you make your body go through such as when you workout your muscles need rest.  Find out 
how many hours of sleep you need in order to preform at your best.   

Friday, August 12, 2016

How to Overcome Procrastination with 3 Easy Tips

 Many many people in our day and age struggle with procrastination.  Constantly 

putting off work to do it later.  Lucky for everyone reading 

this procrastination is 

something that can be eliminated from your lifestyle.  

Procrastination is a habit that you develop by yourself or 

a habit that you develop  

because the people around you are procrastinators as well.

Here are 3 tips that will help you overcome procrastination:
Ask Yourself What Makes You Procrastinate  
Procrastination is a habit that you do subconsciously so when you disrupt the pattern 
of procrastination you can understand why you are procrastinating.  Once you know 
why you are procrastinating and what makes you procrastinate you'll be one step 
closer to procrastinating.

 Make a Schedule For Your Day
When you make a schedule for your day you are living in order.  If you accomplish 
everything that you scheduled for that day reward yourself and celebrate!  
Do It! 
 The only way to truly overcome procrastination is to actually do what you are setting 
off.  Make a commitment to yourself to overcome your procrastination.  
 Here are some tips on how to overcome procrastination.  If you overcome 
procrastination you will become more reliable, trustworthy, and valuable.  If you want to 
be successful get over procrastination and then you'll be able to reach your highest 


Thursday, August 11, 2016

3 Ways to Attract Success

Everyone in the world dreams of being rich and famous, but the one's who do become 

the rich and wealthy have these characteristics that the average person does not.  

Here i will be listing 5 ways to attract more success in your life.
  • Surround Yourself with Successful People
     I understand that many of the people in the world don't have any access to 
    reach  rich and successful people face to face, but you can surround yourself with 
     greatness by watching videos of successful people and reading biographies so  
    you can learn what they did to reach success.  
  •    Think like the Best
 You don't have to be successful to think like the greatest.  By learning more on 

successful people and how they act you can develop a millionaire's mindset.  

Successful people think differently from regular people and that's what makes them 

 successful it's because they are different and they stand out from the crowd.  The 

more you stand out the more attractive.

  •   Have Goals 
Most people don't set goals, but goals are extremely important to attracting success  

because goals are like your map to success it's much faster to find a place with a map 

rather than looking around and hoping to eventually find it.

When you do these tips you will set yourself apart from the majority of society and 

when you do this you become successful and valuable. Surround yourself with 

greatness, think like the best, and have goals.  If you do these three things you will 

attract more success.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

How to Stay Focused

Many people suffer from procrastination or some people just can't focus on something 

for whatever reason.  Here are some tips on how to stay focused:
  • Make a schedule 
  • Do one thing at a time
  • Find a compelling reason of why you must stay focused
  • Become accountable for what you want to focus on by telling people about it 
When you make a schedule your brain can focus on what to do and when instead of 

just winging it and doing whatever whenever.  Most people who suffer from 

procrastination have it because they don't have a set deadline of when to get what 

they have been putting off for a while that they know they should be doing.  Most 

students don't do a project until the due date is very soon.  Why?  Because when the 

absolute deadline is near that's when they start working.  If you want to get rid of 

procrastination set a deadline earlier when it's expected to be done. 

When you focus on one thing you don't become overwhelmed and not as stressed.  

When you focus on one thing you don't feel rushed so you can put quality time into 

what you are doing.  

When you find a compelling reason of why you must get a task done you take action.  

When you accomplish something big celebrate you deserve it!

Becoming accountable of what you want to accomplish your circle of friends and family 

will support you and check in on you to see your progress and keep you on track.

When you become focused and make a schedule, find your why, and become 

accountable you will become more focused and you will accomplish more everyday.

Looking Down vs. Looking Up

People always tell you when you're sad don't be so down on yourself or why so down.  

Why is that ?  It's because looking down makes you sad.  If you observe at someone 

you know who is a person who is going through depression they are usually kinda 

hunched over and looking down on the ground as they walk.  Looking up makes you 

more happy.  Why you might ask?  It's because looking up allows you to have better 

posture and you feel happier when you look at the trees or the sky.  Try looking more 

up and observe your surroundings take the time to just look at all the trees bushes and 

flowers and you'll be surprised at the results. 

Stay Organized

Staying organized is very important when it comes to life.  If you have an unorganized 

website it will draw away customers from you to one of your competitors.  When you're 

organized you make life easier for you and your customers so make sure that you're 

organized!  Being unorganized can cause overwhelm and stress and i don't think 

anyone wants that.  Here are some of my tips on how to become more organized.
  • Make a plan
  • Get rid of what you don't need
  • Make a schedule of the day 
  • Focus on what's most important
  • Make rituals
If you do these i guarantee you that your life will become easier and your customers 
would love the consistency when you make your life or business a ritual of what to do 
at a set time.  When your organized you'll appear more professional.  Being organized 
is very important for you and your reputation.  Don't let your business or your website 
have a reputation of being messy or complicated to navigate through.  Become 
organized.  Become professional.  Take your business or website to the next level by 
being organized! 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Why Posture Is Imporatant

Everyone of us has been told by our parents or by someone to sit up straight or don't 

hunch down.  Why is that?  Is it because it looks better than being hunched over?  
Well yes it does but sitting or standing straight is very important and not many people 

know the real reason of what happens when you sit or stand up straight.  The most 

successful people in the world have great posture and that's because when you stand 

up straight your body language is more dominant than a person who hunches over.  

Standing and sitting up straight can raise your confidence and you can get more 

attention for business or even meet some new people.  So what is the posture you're 

looking for?  Have your head straight as you walk shoulders back and push your chest 

up as if your chest is connected to a string to the ceiling.  Do the same while sitting. 

While having great posture doesn't just get you more attention and a pat on the back 

from your mom having great posture makes you feel better mentally and physically.  If 

you want to become successful then work on the little details like posture.  It has many 

benefits and perks.  Practice perfect posture everyday and it will pay off!

How to be More Productive

Everyone today seems to say the same thing "I don't have the time to do that"  that 

phrase can show you who's a good time manager and who's not.  Plus it seems when 

someone says that they don't have the time they are usually putting off something that 

they should be doing.  Now how do you have more time to get more things done?
  • Estimate how much time you spend on useless activities (tv, texting, video games)
  •  Limit your distractions
  • Do what you must first then do what you want
  • Make a schedule of what you will be doing and for how long
Once you do all those listed i promise you that you will have more time to do what is 
most important to you.  Take the time to make more time to do what you must do 
instead of what you want to do.  Turn your musts into a priority once you do that and 
finish what is a priority then you can relax and kick back on the television.  Become 
productive.  Don't be a person that says "i don't have the time to do that."  Become a 
role model for your family and friends.

Friday, August 5, 2016

The Differnence of Winners and Losers

                  The Difference of Winners and Losers

The difference of winners and losers is not the fact that winners just have more 

success than the losers it's more than that.  Most of the people we call "losers" they 

have been on the same path as all winners but there is something different that they 

did that the winners did.  When faced against with a tough stretch or when it seems as 

if you aren't making any progress losers typically quit.  Why is that?  It's because as 

Tony Robbins has said progress equals happiness.   The losers who are faced with a 

tough stretch don't see any progress so they aren't happy which makes them want to 

give up or try something else just once again to be in the same situation over and 

over.  Winners on the other hand do the complete opposite as the losers do.  When 

winners are faced with a difficult situation instead of quitting and going on to something 

else winners work even harder and have a vision of what they want out of what they 

when doing what they are doing.  A winner doesn't mean that he or she has always 

been the best a winner has failed more times than any loser.  Persevere through the 

tough times.  Have a vision and set goals.  Become the winner that you thought you 

would be when you were a little kid.



   Leadership is an attribute that many people want to have in their life but the fact is

that most people are the one's following the leader.  So why is it that some people 

have this leadership skill and some don't?  It's because leadership is a skill which 

means you aren't born with it.  Skills can be developed and mastered.  Yes there will 

be others who are more talented when it comes to being a leader, but the point is that 

everyone can be a leader it's a choice to step up and gain more experience and 

wisdom of bettering yourself in that skill or any skill you want to develop it's a choice to 

master it.  You must learn what type of leader you are by truly looking at yourself and 

seeing and matching to make your custom brand of leadership.  Not many people 

today are leaders most people just follow the crowd and let life happen to them.  If you 

want to take control of your life and reach your full potential then i strongly urge you to 

develop the leader within you.  We need more leaders in our society.  Will you be the 

next leader?

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Where To Find Your True Love

                        Where To Find Your True Love

 Everyone in the world is searching for the perfect mate 

the person to make them complete and whole.  Thinking 

about the characteristics of your perfect mate is easy but 

actually finding that person and having them have the 

same feelings you have to them to you.  So how do you 

find your perfect lover?  It's simple really.  All you have to do is find your purpose 

because isn't your purpose supposed to make you as happy as possible so when 

you're doing things that you love people will come into your life that love you and you 

will love everyone back.  Be aware of this though once you find your passion just 

because you find your purpose doesn't mean that you'll find your perfect partner in an 

instant over time continuously you will someday find that person.  When you find your 

perfect partner you will feel an indescribable joy that makes you feel so alive and 

grateful for every day you are alive.  If you want to find your one and only find your 

purpose be the best version of you and then your life will be fulled with love and all the 

hard times on your journey will be made worth it. 

The Cause of Addiction

                         The Cause of Addiction

There are many people in the world today suffering from 

some kind of addiction whether it be drugs, sex, or 

overeating.  All those addictions have some stuff in 

common.  My belief of the cause of addiction is that 

something in that person's life is lacking.  When 

something is lacking we search for an alternative.  If one 

is addicted to drugs it might be because he or she might be depressed or they don't 

have high self esteem that's why when that person does drugs it's the only time they 

feel good.  If someone is overeating then the problem might be stress or lack of 

creativity lazy people tend to not be very creative so that's why when people lack 

creativity they look for food because it makes them feel more fulfilled.  If someone is 

addicted to sex then that person may lack the feeling of love or had some kind of 

traumatic child experiences that made him or her that way.  Addiction all starts with our 

internal world when we don't like what we have at the moment most people turn to the 

alternative which later they get addicted to.  Change your mindset to not look for an 

alternative be aware of what you want and work on yourself to get exactly what you 

want never take a plan B we need more people like that and we need more people 

addiction free.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Power of Affirmation

                          The Power of Affirmation

What exactly is affirmation?  Affirmation are phrases you repeat to yourself over and 
Affirmation can either be positive or negative so be conscious of what you say about 

yourself.  Affirmations are extremely powerful because you become what you say and 

think about so if i constantly say to myself "I'm a millionaire" over and over sooner or 

later my brain will start believing what i am saying and it will give me a plan and i will 

start to begin to think like the most wealthy and successful men and women.  I'll give 

another example say that you would like to lose a couple pounds but every time you've 

tried in the past you lose a couple pounds but then later on you gain more than you 

lost and you just put yourself in an even more difficult problem.  In this situation try 

saying "I am fit" or "I am healthy" once you start saying this over and over to yourself 

your brain will want to live up to what you are saying.  You may want to join a gym or 

go for a morning jog and start eating more vegetables.  What you think you become 

what you act on is your lifestyle.  Remember this affirmations are not a one time thing 

and then you're unstoppable you must implant what you want to have for a period of 

time until it becomes who you are.  I suggest that you start doing affirmations for 30 

days for at least 5 minutes.  When i do affirmations i like looking in the mirror so it 

brings up more emotion.  The more emotion the better.  Thirty days can change your 

life but be disciplined and have a why to keep doing this even when it feels as if it isn't 

working but believe me eventually it will.

How to Build Better Relationships

                      How to Build Better Relationships

Finding love is something that we all desire in our life.  Most times in our attempts to 

find the perfect lover we don't.  Why is that?  We attract who we are and what our 

vibes or whether we're on a positive vibration or a negative vibration you'll attract 

people in the same vibration as you are in.  If you are currently in a relationship but 

things are a bit dull or you and your partner have lost its spark then you two need to 

evaluate what you  did before that you aren't doing now.  In the beginning of every 

relationship it be friendship or intimate relationship you'd do anything to make your 

friend or partner happy because you feel that they are an amazing person and you are 

very conscious of how you feel about them.  Over time what typically happens fighting, 

nagging, complaining, routines.  Over time we develop new habits with our partner we 

aren't in the present moment of how we feel about them and why we were attracted 

them in the first place.  When you become present and aware of how you feel about 

your partner you'll become more loving and like that old expression "give and you will 


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Secret to Life

                               Secret to Life

What is the secret to life you ask?  As Tony Robbins has said in his seminars and 

books the secret to life is giving.  Why is that the secret?  The secret to life is giving 

because we've all heard the expression the more you give the more you get and that 
statement is completely true.  When you give something to someone that person will 

want to give something in return or something greater in value of what you've given 

that person.  Giving gives us a joy that you can't really obtain anywhere else.  When 

you give or donate you could be helping someone's life.  Think about that we all have 

the power to give to charity no matter what our financial situation is at the moment we 

could all stop spending money on useless stuff that we never use, and instead give 

that money to charity to help those in need.  

Don't Tell Me I'm a Hard Worker

                     Don't Tell Me I'm a Hard Worker


The reason i have a problem of people calling me or 

calling others hard workers is that everyone has their 

own definition of hard work.  Most people that tell you 

you are a hard worker are often the people who sit 

around and do nothing all day.  The most successful 

people aren't the hardest working people in the world most of them get to sit back and 

enjoy their financial freedom.  My suggestion to replace this phrase and tell people to 

not admire people's work ethic.  Don't just encourage them and go back to what you 

were doing encourage them and take action on your dream.


Monday, August 1, 2016

Don't be Dependent

                             Don't be Dependent

What is dependency?  Dependency is when you are 

controlled or you rely on someone that is not you.  Now why is this bad?  If you are 

dependent you don't take action on your own you wait for the "perfect moment" or you 

will only start if someone you are close to agrees to start with you.  Dependency is 

something that holds many people back because they are afraid of failing at their 

dreams alone they think if i fail as a group it's not as bad as failing on my own so they 

search for people like themselves that are just waiting to get started. I'll tell you all 

something don't get into a business with someone that's dependent.  If you are 

currently in a business where it seems like they aren't doing anything.  Either fire that 

person (if you can) or leave the company and start your own.  The people you are 

around the most shapes you into who they are so surround yourself with people that 

take action and are independent not dependent.

Levels of Personal Development

                       Levels of Personal Development

Personal development is something that 

will never run out of ideas and new 

theories it's a never ending process in 

becoming your greatest self.  This page 

will show you what levels of personal 

development there are. 

This is a picture of Maslow's hierachy of needs.  It represents what levels you must 

improve on in order to know when it's time to make the next step.  

 The bottom level of the triangle is your Physiological needs (breathing, food, water, 

sex, sleep, homeostasis,  excretion.) 

The second level of this picture represents you safety needs (security of body, 

employment, resources, mortality, the family, health, property.  )

The third level is your love/belonging stage(friendship, family, sexual intimacy).

The fourth step is your esteem levels (self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect 

for others, respect by others).  

The fifth and final level is the self- actualization level(mortality, creativity,spontaneity, 

problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts.  

And there you have it the levels of personal development now this is only a theory you 

can make your own journey or you could use this model but just know to never think 

that you know everything about personal development because it's a non stop process 

of learning.