Many people suffer from procrastination or some people just can't focus on something
for whatever reason. Here are some tips on how to stay focused:
- Make a schedule
- Do one thing at a time
- Find a compelling reason of why you must stay focused
- Become accountable for what you want to focus on by telling people about it

When you make a schedule your brain can focus on what to do and when instead of
just winging it and doing whatever whenever. Most people who suffer from
procrastination have it because they don't have a set deadline of when to get what
they have been putting off for a while that they know they should be doing. Most
students don't do a project until the due date is very soon. Why? Because when the
absolute deadline is near that's when they start working. If you want to get rid of
procrastination set a deadline earlier when it's expected to be done.
When you focus on one thing you don't become overwhelmed and not as stressed.
When you focus on one thing you don't feel rushed so you can put quality time into
what you are doing.
When you find a compelling reason of why you must get a task done you take action.
When you accomplish something big celebrate you deserve it!
Becoming accountable of what you want to accomplish your circle of friends and family
will support you and check in on you to see your progress and keep you on track.
When you become focused and make a schedule, find your why, and become
accountable you will become more focused and you will accomplish more everyday.
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