Don't be Dependent

controlled or you rely on someone that is not you. Now why is this bad? If you are
dependent you don't take action on your own you wait for the "perfect moment" or you
will only start if someone you are close to agrees to start with you. Dependency is
something that holds many people back because they are afraid of failing at their
dreams alone they think if i fail as a group it's not as bad as failing on my own so they
search for people like themselves that are just waiting to get started. I'll tell you all
something don't get into a business with someone that's dependent. If you are
currently in a business where it seems like they aren't doing anything. Either fire that
person (if you can) or leave the company and start your own. The people you are
around the most shapes you into who they are so surround yourself with people that
take action and are independent not dependent.
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